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Headquarters Fifth Mil Dis
Austin Texas
August 30th 1869

Capt C E Morse
A.A.A.G. & Secretary Civil Affairs

I would respectfully call your attention to the following statement made to me by  A Colored man at Seguin Texas in regard to a School Teacher named [[blank]] Who has been teach Colored School at that place for some time past. (I made memorandum of the case which is lost. Consequently cannot give names & dates). This man Shortly after takeing charge of the School formed an intimacy with one of the Scholars, a Married Woman & the Mother of two Children. The woman who was often kept in after School hours told another woman that she was going to go away with Mr [[blank]] This Comeing to the ears of the husband of the Woman he with some White boys Wactched the School House & saw them in "fragrante delectu". The father of the Woman hearing of the matter came and took her home - the husband refuseing to have anything more to do with her. The White boys urged the

Transcription Notes:
flagrante delicto