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the husband to Seek revenge - he collected some ten or twelve of his friends and upon consultation with some of the Citizens (White) it was agreed to Tar & Feather the teacher which was done.  He was also rode on a rail.  My information was received from the Freedmen Marking for a planter named Jefferson.  One of the freedmen rode with me about eighteen miles and who appeared to know all about the circumstance but would not admit that he had anything to do with the buisness but said that "White folks had nothing to do with it.  no body but Colored folks"  I had some conversations with the husband he was very bitter towards the teacher.  The names of the White boys referred to can be Obtained with very little difficulty at Seguin.  I was assured by two colored men at Jeffersons that the Work was done by the Freedmen but that White men were present and urged them and Adviseing them to take the teacher to the river & duck him

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Special Officer