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particulars. I have every reason to believe the facts as I give them having had them from him and so many other sources, Mr A. gave these men no provocation for this outrage, on the contrary he had dealt with one of the men who is a merchant here and considered him to this time friendly towards him.

Today Mr Ames made affidavit before a Justice of the Peace against these men viz:

Joseph Zorn - white - a merchant
R P Cherry  white   a merchant
George Rust white   Cherrys Clerk
Alamo Dimmitt white
Frank Rhodes white
Cap or Dock Smith white
Freeman Mills Colored
Simon McKew Colored
and Sam Stanfield Colored

Cherry, Rust, Dimmitt and Simon McKew waived examination and gave bond.

I believe it will be a force to prosecute these men here and that though the law would compell a conviction, that they would be fined only a nominal sum and it will be sheer nonsense to bring a

Transcription Notes:
men who attacked Ames along with their races and some of their professions is written as a list/unofficial table -- unsure how exactly to format so help on that would be appreciated it's a list, looks good