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Seguin Sep. 1st 9.

Rev. Jos. Welch,

I am instructed to acquaint your office with due deference to the following. Was about on Saturday and Sunday last, on business pertaining to myself- I mean that I was invited by Parson Jones, a Teacher living nine miles from this Town. He is being desirous of my presence for the purpose of establishing my school upon his estate. I told him and them, that I would communicate by letter with the Supt. and whatever would result, would govern my future actions. On Sunday, the Pastor and I took occasion to visit, and the warmest enthusiasm, which I ever witnessed was manifested among the Freedmen of this parallel. You will be so kind as to give your consideration to this little epistle. This old Gentleman has all the needed accommodations: a large comfortable dwelling house, and can entertain about twelve children as boarders. He owns a Splendid farm, and awaits my compromise with Your Prerogative-

With profound respect,
I remain, Yours,
H. Ames