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Seguin, Sep. 7th 1869

Rev. J. Welch, Supt.

Very anxious in suggesting for your information the following. As your epistle this morning sets forth my being relieved from the position of teacher, am well satisfied at same. I might add a comparison from St. Pauls Epistle to the Romans, which reads, I found Rome of brick, I shall leave it of marble. Assuring You in the language of my humble pen, and in the humility of [[?]], that my exertions are compatible with my mission as teacher. I shall use no exagerations, or simplifications in my diction. Am not very satisfied with some things, mean absence of payments: not that I do impart any interrogatories to Your Reverence, far be it from my small pen. 

In my concluding sentence and paragraph my kindest wishes towards your name.

With great respect,
I remain, your
Very humble
H. Ames.