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Galveston, Houston & Henderson Railroad,
Galveston, Texas, Sept. 8th 1869.

Capt. C.E. Roberts
A.A.Q.M., U.S.A. & D.O., Bureau R.F., & A.L.
Austin Texas.

Inclosed you will please find orders from Bureau R.F., & A.L. for transportation of persons and property, with lists of the same and vouchers signed in blank by Tipton Walker Esq. Receiver. I send you 15 of the vouchers - the surplus, after the accounts are made out, you will please have the kindness to return.

Will you please close up this small account at your earliest convenience? The receivership of Tipton Walker Esq. ceases this month. If possible we should like to have this account closed before his term expires.

Yours respy.
J.W. Allen