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[[illegible smeared line]]

Austin Texas August 3 '69

Asst. Adjt. General

Refers comn. of J.W. Brooks requesting to be informed if tenements or dwelling houses at Mount Prairie Anderson Co. are for sale and at what price (Wrapper 1 Encl)

Respectfully returned to the Asst. Adjt. General 5th Military District.

There are no records in this Office giving any information on this subject.

The matter pertains to the Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.

Morris [[?]] Miller
Asst. Qr. Mr. Gen., Bvt. Brig. Gen. USA
Chief Quartermaster

C.Q.M. O. 5" M.D
August 6th 1869

[[stamp]] RECEIVED [[?]] AUG 6 1869 FIFTH MILY. DIST