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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, D.C., August 17th, 1869.

Joseph Welch
Supt Ed Austin Texas

Sir inclosed please find my checks on U.S. [[?]] Treas at N York in payment of vouchers forwarded by you in your letter of Aug 5th vis;

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| check No. 6545 | J.L. Williamson | Services as Teacher | 15.00} |
| check No. 6545 | Dr |   | 15.00} 30.00 |
| check No. 6546 | David G. Scott | Services as Teacher | 10.00 |
| check No. 6547 | Walter Wormley | Services as Teacher | 10.00 |
| check No. 6548 | Hy G. Madison | Services as Teacher | 10.00 |
| check No. 6549 | A.L. Pankey | Services as Teacher | 10.00 |
| check No. 6550 | M. Foster | Services as Teacher | 15.00 |
| check No. 6551 | John S. King | Services as Teacher | 10.00 |
| check No. 6552 | Harriet Smith | Services as Teacher | 10.00 |
| check No. 6553 | Jane Bell Martin | Services as Teacher | 5.00 |
| check No. 6554 | Mary F Orndord | Services as Teacher | 15.00 |