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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington,    , 1869.

√  Richard Sloan No 6888 for $20 00 (Teacher) Millican Texas
Total $1.249.67

I return the vouchers in favor of W.H. Price that you may add to the certificate "and that the building has (or will be) been accounted for on my Property Return for _ _ _ _ _  1869" See special order no 28 copy enclosed also Circular letter of Aug. 24th 69 from these Head. Qrs.
Your attention is also invited to Par. 1004 Rev. Army Regulations. I added in Red ink on your vouchers for stationary "for use in office of the Supt of Ed. State of Texas" & also in the ones for forage "Forage for one private horse used by the Supt of Ed. in performing his official duties for the quarter ending Sept 30 1869."

Yours Respy
Geo. H. Balloch
Bvt. Brig Genl & Chf D.O.
per S.A.T.

P.S. In the future is there any need of giving the address of the party!