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"National Asylum for 
Disabled V. Soldiers
Dayton O. Mar. 30/70

Maj. S.W.Stevenson
Supt. of Schools
Austin Tex

I have just received a letter from C.H. Howard informing me of the demand for teachers in your state, and recommending me to write you for more specific information. 
I commenced teaching when about seventeen years of age and have from time to time taught about seven years.
Some time last fall I wrote to Rev. E. P Smith who referred me to Rev. E.M. Cravath and B.P. Runkle, the results of which was my appointment to a school in Kentucky where I went only to be disappointed; the white citizens were so bitterly opposed to the employment of white teachers that the colored people were afraid to employ me.
Please inform me whether the like prejudice exists

Transcription Notes:
last word completed to avoid truncation