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Lockhart, Texas
August 1st 1868
Revd. Joseph Welch
Supt. of Schools
Austin, Texas
The Colored people of this co. will hold their yearly grand mass and religious meeting at this Station on Friday the 7th Inst. and will continue to hold the same until Tuesday the 11th Inst. during this time.  No school can be taught, as I will have to give them the School house for the use of divine services.  I most respectfully request leave of absence, from Friday the 7th until Tuesday the 11th Inst. for the purpose of proceeding to Austin with a view of procuring some of McGuffey primers 1st 2nd & 3rd Readers also some copy & school books which can not be procured at this station.  Should this meet your approval, please notify me at your earliest convenience.
I am, Sir, Respectfully, your obdt. serve.
Henry French
Teacher Freed school