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Hackberry Tex. 
Aug. 3d, 1868

Judge A. K. Foster

Dear Sir!
Your fav. of the 1th inst., I received in due time and would herewith respectfully answer, that you can have the use of my Millhouse for $11.00 U.S. Currency, per month, or if perhaps one half of the house will give room enough, the same for one half the money.

Mrs. Neuhaus will board a white lady for Curr. $14.00 a month, but as there has a chimney to be taken down & new build in our Dwelling (by which five rooms will be made useless for months this autumn), can't furnish any lodging.

Very Respectfully,
L.E. Neuhaus

P.S. As some of my neighbors fear much disturbance by the could. scholars, a good lesson, to behave well, might be a proper thing for above scholars at the commencement -
The Above