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Columbus Texas
Feburary 20th/69

Rev. Joseph Welch
Supt of Education
Austin Texas

Your kind letter of instruction to hand, And in reply, am glad to hear from you, I am certain you will be pleased to learn that. I am getting along very well with the school, and the freed people all seem well satisfied with my course so far, I have (68) pupils present. but the night School is still small. Mr. green Mitchel is also getting on fine here, as the people all, say the like him very much. I think he is a good man.

Mr Stevenson took his departure from here this morning An indeed I feel very lonely after him.

the Voucher. for last month, has not as yet come to my notice. I hope it may be in your power, to have it forwarded to me, as the freedpeople has not paid me only, a few dollars this month, they seem to be very poor here.

I am, Sir. Very Respectfully your Obdt Servt.
Henry French, Teacher Freed School