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Huntsville Augt 3rd 1869,
Mr. Jos Welch
Supt of Ed.
Austin, Texas
Dear Sir,
Your Kind favor of the 24th [[inst?]] came duly to hand. I was much relieved in my feeling, to realize by your letter that my claim was soon to be paid: And would it be out of place, and labor lost to state that on the 1st Tuesday in Sept my property to raise $400. will be sold at Sheriff Sale, if I I cannot get the mony before that time.  And I cannot see any reason why you could not send me the amt due in time to save me from this great sacrifice.  I feel confident upon this confession you will do all you can for me.
And I will add my gratification at the prospects of your visiting Huntsville when you will have the opportunity to visit my Colony & see the want of a good school there. And I think you will realize that by a liberal co-operation on part of Govt, with me a school can be established there, that will be a lasting benefit to the freedmen & county.  If you should not be able to pay my claim by 1st Sept, I will be obliged if you will advise me of the same on receipt of this.
Very Respectfully Yrs &c &c Geo. W. Grant