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Crockett Texas Houston Co April 25th 1870
Mr Joseph Welch
Dear Sir I Take the present opportunity of addressing you on the School Question
I must Say that my School is small at Present from the fact they have been a Great deal of Sickness among the Schollars
consequently I cant say much about how they are progressing Since I Wrote to you but What have been coming are progressing well I have only 11 in attendance at present I have not opened my Sunday School yet I Expect to Take up Next month on the Second Sunday in the month I have been requested to Say to you that they want a Teacher in the Settlement Where I Teached Last year I Will also say that they are not able to Keep a School up their is the Reason Why I could not continue my School their I promised a White man that I would Write for one in my next report
your obedient servant
Allen A. Goff