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Navasota Texas
May 15th 1870

Mr. S. N. Stevenson Esqr.
Supt. of Education Austin Tex

Since. I wrote you my note of the 13th [[Ult'o.]] Some new developments come before my notice. Which is as
follows: After I had arranged: with the Minister of the Col'd people at Navasota, for me to rent a Suitable building for a School: And that they: Would Send their Schooler's to Me: I done So! I paid' One Month's rent in advance from My own 'funds; for that purpose; A Col'd Man from Galveston, however made his appearance and Reported that he had been Sent by the Bureau of Education; to teach School at Navasota
The Col'd People took Action in his Case: by Sending all the Schooler's to him; Concentrating all thee assistance in his behalf; leaving me no Chance
to obtain Any Schooler's whatever; in or About Navasota, I think there is Some Mistake in the Bureau Dep't Appointing 'two' at Navasota;
If So, I, would like if would be rectified as quick as possible; I resigned My position in Houston. Broke up my House; at Sacrifice; I brought myself
& family; Consisting of a wife & Children; Transportation So Expensive as to
[[Exault]] My present means completely, My Rival has no family's is better fit for Locomotion then Me; under Such Circumstances: please Answer this as
Soon as possible Considering the nature of My Case

Note; he says; he was sent by Mr. Stevenson of Galveston Tex His name is J. H. Washington }

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
Thomas Gilroy

Transcription Notes:
edited - please read instructions, use [[?]] if word not known, filled in blanks, changes and corrections, please read instructions