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Columbus Octr. 12th 1869

Rev Jos. Welch. 
Sup't of Education 
Austin Tex. 

I have returned from Galveston without finding employment, I find the School here closed, and the Teacher on a tour to San Antonio in company with a Federal Officer. I am truly sorry to find a School that I had taken so much pained to build up reduced to nothing, as the number of pupils when she left amounted to only ten. the Trustees, and the parents of a number of children desire me to again take charge, I will do so, by your appointment, and endeavor to build up again, both day and sabbath School, I shall be busy, until we get through making our league nominations, but after that time say 1st Novr, can take charge. I have not rec'd my checks for Aug't and Sept as yet, and sadly need the money. Please give me an early reply.
and oblige very Respectfully 

Geo. N. Harma