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War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, Oct. 18th 1869

No. 80

Rev. Jos. Welch, Supt. of Education Bureau of R.F. & AL. for the State of Texas, is duly authorized to purchase in open market, on the best terms possible, the authorized allowance of fuel for one office, and of forage for one horse, required for the public service at Austin Texas, during the Quarter ending December 31st 1869, viz: 

Three (3) cords of Wood, eleven hundred and four (1104) pounds of Corn, and twelve hundred and eighty eight (1288) pounds of hay.  He will take up and account for the supplies purchased under this order, and will issue his certified vouchers therefor, which will be forwarded to the Chief Disbursing Officer at these Hd. Quarters for payment, Certified copies of this order to be attached thereto.

By order of Bt. Major Genl. O.O. Howard, Commr.
J.M. Brown
Bvt. [[strikethrough]] Brig. Genl. [[/strikethrough]] Lt Col, and Chief Q. M.,
Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Rev. Jos. Welch
Supt Ed. BRF. & AL.
Austin, Texas.