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Mill Creek. Washington Co. Texas.
{Feb. 26th 1870.}

Rev." Jos. Welch.

Dear. Sir.

I received your voucher on 23rd inst. I do not locate in Brenham now. I am residing in the Country (12 Mills South of Brenham.  I am concerned in the said school of Mr." Jos. E. Little's, and I write to you for some advice. I am myself hardly able to Teach School, but when such men as Mr. J.E. Little is allowed to Teach, I think I will Resign. he is not able to give the Right pronounciation of a monosylable. and how is it that he never has been to school. only got what he knows here and there. and if the children dont do as he tells them they are punished, and I do not approve it, not at all. The Colored people out here are all ignorant and they do not know any better than he is Teaching a Right. - the School is very longer they have gone to work. and got them a larje Church in which he holds school. there is a-bout (67 scholars) Regular attending (50 every Day). here are a great many orphan children, attends, they are charged the full tuition.  I know one family lives one hundred yards from me.  they send five children and their father was killed here last year. they pay five Dollars and do not own a foot of land. I would like, the best in the world, to see you.  please write soon -

I am
Yrs Fraternally,
Thos. H. Huff.