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Brenham Washington Co. Texas.
April 1st A.D. 1870

Rev Joseph Welch.

Dear Sir,
I again write to you for information, and I hope you will give me in your best acknowledgement, that Colored People have got it. Reported among themselves that if they get a true deed to a tract of land, that the Government will furnish them money. to get the lumber to build the School-House. I want to know whether it is so, or not if so. please let me know immediately they have got some fellow fooling them up only to get their money. and if I can hear from you. I know that I can use some influence, or dictate for them in a manner. that they may put their money to some use or benefit more profitable than that.   

Yours Fraternally
T.H. Huff

Transcription Notes:
1st sentence or 2 need work (give?); doesn't make sense yet