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This Institution is located in New Orleans, Louisiana, in a quiet and beautiful part of the city, on Esplanade street, near Claiborne, and is easily accessible by the cars. Aid from the government and other sources has been donated to the amount of nearly thirty thousand dollars. The buildings are nearly completed and will be ready for occupancy, the first of February. Already a large Normal class has been formed. Commercial and Law Departments will soon be organized. The Medical Department has been established, composed of some of the first talent in the South, and awaits means to commence instruction. To the advantages of all these departments, students are freely admitted without regard to sex, race or color. The following Charter will indicate the broad and liberal basis of the University:


We, Joseph W. Healy, Rufus K. Howell, John S. Walton, Charles Clinton, Rufus Waples, W. Van Norden and S.D. Moody, being desirous of becoming incorporated for the purpose of Education or Learning, and to acquire and enjoy the rights, privileges and powers of a body corporate and politic in law, under, and by virtue of the provision of the Statute of Louisiana, do hereby make this


First. The corporate name of this Institution shall be "The Straight University," to be located and domiciled at the city of New Orleans, Orleans Parish, State of Louisiana.
Second. The University shall be managed by a Board of Trustees, who shall consist of not less than nine, nor more than twenty-one persons, who shall be elected, and hold their offices, as hereinafter provided.
Third. The names of the present Board are Seymour Straight, Rufus K. Howell, John S. Walton, John Turner, Rufus Waples, Charles Heath, W. Van Norden, S. D. Moody, Joseph W. Healy, E. W. Pierce, L. D. Satchell, Edward Heath, Aristide Mary, Oscar J. Dunn and Charles Clinton, and they shall determine their respective terms of office, by lot.
Fourth. The Board of Trustees shall hold their offices as follows : One-third for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years, and all Trustees hereafter elected shall hold their offices for three years, unless to fill an unexpired term, existing by reason of the non-acceptance, resignation, or death of a Trustee.
Fifth. The Board of Trustees, on the happening of a vacancy, or at the expiration of the term of office of a Trustee, shall fill the vacancy by election.
Sixth. The purposes of the Corporation are the education and training of young men and women, irrespective of color or race, and to that end the Trustees shall have the right to prescribe a course of study, and the power to confer all such degrees and honors, as are conferred by Universities in the United States of America.
Seventh. The Board of Trustees may enact such by-laws, not inconsistent with the Constitution or Laws of the State of Louisiana, or of the United States, or with this Instrument, for the government of the University, and for conducting and managing its affairs properly, as they may deem necessary.
Eighth. The Trustees shall have power to choose a President, upon whom all citations may be served. 
Ninth. This corporation shall exist for the term of twenty-five years.
In testimony of all which, we have hereunto subscribed our names, and affixed our seals in the presence of William S. Benedict and Andrew Hero, Jr., competent witnesses, residing in this city, and James Graham, a Notary Public of Orleans Parish, this Twelfth day of June, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-nine. 

(Signed) JOHN S. WALTON,
(Signed) R. K. HOWELL,

(Signed) W. VAN NORDEN,
(Signed)S. D. MOODY,

ANDREW HERO, JR.}  Witnesses.

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