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Brenham Washington Co Texas
{April 13th 1870}

Hon. Louis W. Stevenson
Dear Sir.

I have been informed by one [[strikethrough]]EC[[/strikethrough]] E.C.Bartholomew that you was appointed the Sup of the said Freedmens School. I have been writing to Mr Welch several time knowing not that he had resigned his office. I am a colored man destitute as it happened with the misfortune of having only one hand!! I am Teaching School for a Support though I have so many orphan children to encounter with it thar I do not make nor clear expenses. Mr. Welch allowed me a small Salary for pay as the orphans are not charged I will make out a Report as soon as I hear from you and let you have a full understanding of the location of this said school  There has been Reported around among the colored People that if they bought their land and forwarded a certificate to the Headquarters that the government would Furnish them with the funds to buy the lumber  I would like to gain some information from you upon that effect.  Write soon in Reply that I may know how to transact my business.

Yours Fraternally
Thos. H. Huff