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War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.,
Washington City June 28, 1870. 

Mr. E C. Bartholomew,
Supt. Ed. Texas.

The Commissioner directs that you receipt to Maj. L.W. Stevenson, whose resignation has this day been accepted, for all public property for which he is responsible. You will proceed to advertise at once all such property for sale, excepting the records of the office and school buildings found on your returns, and will sell the same at public auction in accordance with the regulations. These duties having been completed, you will instruct all parties to unsettled contracts for the construction of School buildings to forward their accounts directly to this office for settlement. You will transfer Bvt. Lieut. Col. J.M. Brown. Chief Q.M. any school buildings found in your returns, and will then forward your final report