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every case proved useless. for if organized and [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] attended at first by a few scholars they never failed from one cause or another to break up in a month or so.
The reasons for this failure, want of perseverance and energy in a cause so important is worthy of all consideration, although what ever the other opposing influences may be the chief one is undoubtedly owing to the apathy want of foresight, if not indifference of the colored people themselves.
With every allowance made for their poverty and scant resources, it is evident at least to me that they do not bring to the cause of Education the same zeal they so conspicuously  show in matters of trivial moment.
But very few of them can see the benefit of making present sacrifice for a "far off good; after the first novelty of the thing has passed away and it is this fickleness