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Clarksville 14th June 1869

[[stamped]] REC'D OFFICE DIS. OFF.
B.R.F. & A.L.
JUN 22 1889 [[stamped]]

Revd Sir
The house which I have been teaching in since my arrival belongs to the Babtist [[Baptist]] White Citizens of this place I am informed that they intend to take it from us this month. They gave the use of it only for two months. Judge Latimer, I am informed having told them that the Freedmen would have a house completed in that time, but five months has passed, and nothing has been done. Hardy Darnall (Col'd) who is their preacher is the treasurer of what money has been collected since I came here viz $70 - I can not get him to come with me to Dr. Gordon and pay $50 for a lot which that gentleman is willing to sell
Turn over