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O.S.E., Tex., (M. 40) 1869.

of worship, if not interfering with education purposes.
Size of lot 50 feet by 120.
Hall or room to be 30 feet by 50. Estimated cost, $3000. -
Earnestly recommends the necessary appropriation, and suggests that it be built by contract, and proposals received for the same after due publication. Plans and specifications enclosed.

2 Enclosures

Headquarters 5th Mil. Distr.
Austin Texas, February 1 '69

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Grnl. P.A. Potter 
Ch'f Quartermaster F.M. [[?]] for remarks.

By Command
Bvt. Maj. Gen'l. E.R.S. Canby:
Louis V. Caziarc
A.S.C. & A.A.A.G.
S. [[?]]

3. 447. 760.
Austin Texas
February 1st/69.

A.A.A. Gen.

Refer for remarks
Communication from  Bt. Maj. Gen. Alex. McD.
McCook enclosing plan &c. for proposed school house for Freedmen at Brownsville Texas
(2 Encl.)

Respectfully returned to Hd. Qrs 5th Mil District. 
I have no recommendation to make, not having had anything to do with or for the Freedmen's Bureau and I not see by what authority Capt wainwright is at work for it. The Freedmen's Bureau is an independent office, totally distinct from the Q.M. Dept. has its own agents and disbursing officers.
J.A. Colter
Bvt. Brig. Gen. & C.Q.M.
5th Mil. District

Recd. Headq'rs
5th Mil. Dist.

O.C.Q.M. 5th M.D.
Feb'y 8 1869

Rec. Feby. 3d 1869

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-03 23:06:39