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Headquarters, The District of the Rio Grande,
Brownsville, Texas, January 16, 1869.

Captain C. O Morse A. A. A. G.  Bureau of RF & AL
Austin, Texas,

In reply to your communication of August 28th, 1868
dates Headquarters Fifth Military District, State of Texas - Bureau of R F and A. L Austin Texas - I would respectfully make the following report in relation there to. - 
The communication was referred at once to Judge J. B Biglow who reported that he was not prepared to donate the land at present.
Application was made to the proprietors of the city of Brownsville for said land, and Mr. Saml Belden one of the owners, and agent for said properties has deeded Lot No. 7 Block 96 in the city of Brownsville (and very well located) to Judge Jeremiah Galvan, Edward Downey, Samuel Belden and Hon Wm Neal Mayor of the  city of Brownsville, as trustees and for the purpose of erecting thereon a School-House for the freed people of this city and vicinity.
Said trustees to hold said Lot, for this purpose