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American Missionary Association
38 Lombard Block

Secretaries: George Whipple,} Michael E. Strieby. } New York
Chas. H. Howard, Dist. Sec'y, Chicago.

Chicago, May 11, 1870

Dear Stevens
Just back from W. Clark gone there. Yours as to State Supts. is here (Apr. 30th). Dont despair yet. As soon as the investigation is over, we can have the $10000 if we have the site. They tell me you have some $17000 remaining on your appn.  If not you can have your share of what may be remaining as we at the closing up. Do get J.O. Stevens on as Ass't. if you can. Thanks for all you [?]. No letters from Norton about Houston matters lately & have but one against the ladies which one I rebuked. He & wife have