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Bryan City Texas Mar 25th 1870

Maj. L. W. Stevenson:-

Dear Bro,

Those checks for $30.00 have just come to hand.

We still live and eat with the negroes.

This for me is a little too much of a good thing. No white ladies in the city dare board us and I had about determined to go to the hotel (Commercial) [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] to board but wife cannot agree to this. Ladies want a home.

This morning a lady offered us her little shell of a house and a little furniture for $2500.00 per month specie! This is the best we can do however.
Wife wishes to accept the offer and I think I must indulge her, hoping the Bureau will come to our rescue.

[[strikethrough]] What [[/strikethrough]] We can find no home in all this city.ā€” Isn't this the time for the Bureau to furnish us with one? If not when and where should it furnish a nesting place?
Yrs Truly  
Warren Norton