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Bryan City Texas [[strikethrough]] Ap [[/strikethrough]] May 3rd 1870

Maj. L.W. Stevenson:-

Dear Sir,
Those checks came duly to hand. The house rent will be along in due time, no doubt. We still live in the hired house and are not rocked any more. We could not honorably get away. We must be very careful what we do for the eyes of our enemies are upon us, and those who have labored among the colored ones here before us have been great scamps.

Dr. Mary Walker is in town. Last night she appointed to lecture - but nine came to hear her and she gave us back our mony and sent us home without a speech.

Ladies thought they had a night to stay away, evidently.

I wish we had an appropriation for writing benches. Thurman want to think about that matter again. 

Mrs Thurman had a fight with another lady, and came off victor. The police will send for.

Some one has had the assurance to send Miss Knapp a fine tooth comb! 

Bro. Tays don't get the superintending of schools it appears.

I think the coloured ones here will unite in a ch. with us.

Bro. Foster has made too free with the ladies for his own good. 

I wanted to go to Austin but when I saw wife saving every penny I would not take the money. 

Yrs Truly,
Warren Norton