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Office S.A.C. B R &c
Austin, Texas April 30/68.

Lieut. J.P. Richardson.

The white people are against the education of the Freedpeople and do a good deal to injure the cause. I can not find teachers here to take schools. I have engaged a school house in Clinton and all that is wanting now is a Teacher. I desire assistance in procuring one. I am happy to report that the School at Victoria is progressing finely under the auspices of Mr. L. M Brown, the new teacher, he is a resident of Victoria and takes a great interest in the cause, although the school is not large yet, but is increasing

Very Respectfully &c
(Signed) Hiram Clark

[[6 columned table]]
| Name of Teacher | Location | No. of Pupils Day | No. of Pupils Night | Remarks. |

| L M Brown | Victoria | 24 | 17 |   |