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Office S.a.C. B R &c
Kaufmann June 30 1868

Lieut Chas A Vernou
A.A.A. Genl.

I find the freedmen as a general thing are very much in favor of education. They are willing to make any sacrifice in their power to support schools. I have made a trip into Hunt County to encourage the education of the freedpeople and had it not been for a fraternal brother I suppose I would have been mobbed by a party.

The freedpeople need some pecuniary assistance if it could be afforded, and most assuredly a balancing influence for the intimidations they continually encounter.

Very Resp &c.
(Signed) Thomas C. Griffin

[[3 columned table]]

|Name|Location|No. pupils|

|M Maier|Kaufman|35|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 00:20:25