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Office S.a.C. B,R,F &c
Houston, June, 30 1868

Lieut Chas. A Vernon
A.A.A. Genl

Very little interest is taken by the white people in regard to the education of the freedpeople, no steps have been taken by the authorities to promote or assist the same. The better class of freed people are alive to the necessity to educate their race and do what they can to encourage and promote the cause, but owing to the scarcity of money and the poverty existing among the majority of the freedpeople they are unable to pay the cost of tuition for their children.

Very Resp &c
(Signed) M.E. Davis.

[[5 columned table]]

|Name|Location|No. of Pupils Day|No. of Pupils Sunday| |

|James R Foster. & Emma Dayton}|Houston|130|164| |

|Lourran P W[[?]]ler|Houston|41|90| |

|James N. Dunlary & Mary A Wilder}|
Houston|82|120| |