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Office S.a.C. B.R. &c
Columbus, July 31, 1868

Lieut. Chas. A. Vernon

Very little said on the subject - no measures taken to promote education by the whites little or none on the side of the Freedpeople. Hardly a neighborhood but what can support a school this fall within a circuit of every 5 miles - should the the crops be should the crops be good, as is now expected from present indication, the only required will be the arrangement for providing a teacher for such points as the people request one to be sent.

Very Resp &c
(Signed) Louis W Stevenson

[[6 columned table]]

|Name|By whom Paid|Location|No. Pupils Day|No. Pupils Sunday| |

|Geo W Hanna|Bur + pupils| |70|90|$15.00 paid by Bur.|

|N B Roach|Pupils| |60|60| |

|U S Gooden|Pupils| |61| | |

|Louis E Beaumont|Bu + pupils| |31| |$10.00 Do. Do.