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Office S.a.C BR &c
Columbus, Aug. 31, 1868

Lieut. Chas. A Vernou.

The feeling on the subject of education is good. No efforts are being made to forward the cause by the civil authorities.

Mr. Hanna's School gave an exhibition on the 31st which gave evidence of great proficiency on the part of the pupils, and careful attention on the part of the teacher. The children are making rapid progress, and the school is gradually increasing 

Very Resp &c
(Signed) Louis W. Stevenson

[[6 Columned Table]]
| Name | By whom paid | Location | No of pupils Day | No of Pupils Sunday | Remarks |

|Geo W. Hanna|Bu $15.00|Columbus|90|90|Very few of the people pay the teachers except those sending their children to the Alleyton school.|

|N B Roach|Pupils|Alleyton|60|16|Very few of the people pay the teachers except those sending their children to the Alleyton school.|

|Louis E Beaumont|Bu $10.00|Jones Bend|31| |Very few of the people pay the teachers except those sending their children to the Alleyton school.|