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Office Sub. Asst. Coms'r
Bureau R. F. and A. L. 
Marlin, Texas October 30th 1868

Lieut. Charles A. Vernou,
A. A. A. General
B. R. F. and A. L. 
Austin, Texas.


There are very few freedmen in Marlin the bottom lands are several miles distant and saturdays only do they come to town unless on important business. I have not had time to give the matter much attention but hope to be able to make a favorable report next month.
I have the honor to report than an effort is being made by the freedman to build a church and school-house in the vicinity of Marlin, they can for ($500) Five hundred dollars specie erect a substantial building. they applied to me for assistance. They are anxious to get it started. If there is any money to be appropriated for such purpose, I would respectfully recommend assistance.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt:
(signed) Charles F. Rand
Sub. Asst: Coms'r.