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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Sub Asst. Commr. 14th Sub Dist of Texas.
Columbus Apl 18th A.D. 1868

Revd. Jos. Welch
Superintendent of Schools

Having been informed by A.S.C. Foster of Hallettsville, that Hugh Ames, teacher of the Freedmen's school at that place was under arrest for maltreating a pupil, I sent Mr. Saml Clair over to take charge previous to the arrival of his appointment Mr. Clair is a good teacher & will give satisfaction. This leaves Miss Mathews alone at this point & paves the way for a harmonious arrangement of all past troubles Hoping this course will meet your approval
I have the honor to remain

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt
Louis W Stevenson
S.A Commr.