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Sweet Home, Lavacca co, Tex. June 9th/,68

Gov.. Pease.
I am a young lady of nineteen years; have received my education at a fashionable boarding school, and am competent to teach any of the English branches, the Latin, and Music too.  I am an Orphan, have no friends in the State, and but few acquaintences. In very homeless, friendless, and penniless condition, I know not to whom to apply for assistance but your self. What I ask of you Gov., is this - give ma colored school - any where that I can make a support. At present I am boarding. In your great political career, if the appeal from a lonely woman can reach you, and you can grant her what she asks of you, will you do so soon: and leave me forever you debtor,

Josce Stell
Sweet Home, Tex

Excutiv Office
Austin 16 Jun 1868

This letter is respectfully referred