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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office of Sub Asst Commr. 14th Sub Dist. of Texas.
Columbus June 21 A D 1868

Revd. Jos Welch
Supr. of Schools

D Sir:

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter from the 17th inst. - I made application to the superintendent of schools for blanks in your [[?absence]] then to Capt Roberts & also a formal application to Col. Sinclair. They were not sent. Enclosed please find Miss Mathews report. I have requested the teacher at La Grange to forward hers direct. Mr. Beaumont's has not come in - I am confident from what he stated, there is no change from what he stated. There is no change from April's report. Mrs. Westerfield is a new teacher - at La Grange -. She stated to me she could not make a report because of failure to run proper data. I have requested her to do the best she could. In future shall endeavor to have all report on time.