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Office Sub.Dist. Com'r.,
Bu. R., F. and A. L., 18th Sub. Dist.,
Dist. of Texas,
Sumpter, Trinity County Sept. 1st 1868.

Rev. Jos. Welch,
Supt. of Schools,
Bu. R., F. and A. L.,
Austin, Texas.

Your communication of July 15th 1868 has been received, and in reply would most respectfully state, that here at Sumpter had existed a sunday school, but after twice attending broke up again. I thought therefore it not worth reporting. After gathering of the drop I will urge the subject of education upon the freedpeople. They will make in this Sub-Dist. at least sufficient to support two schools.

I am Sir;
Very Respectfully
Your Ob't. Serv't.
Charles Schmidt
Sub. Ass't Com'r.