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without promised help: an effort now exhausting their patience and resources, as their monthly collections are growing [[strikethrough]]beautifully[[/strikethrough]] less."

In the latter part of 1866 and beginning of 1867 applications were made to S.A.C. at Victoria, Capt. Miller, and Isaac Wilkins went to Galveston to Headqrs. on the strength of promises obtained a lot was bought, title deeds shown to S.A.C. Victoria.

I came in March /67 commissioned by A.M.A. and B.R.F. Lieut J.T. Kirkman Supt Freed Schools. In March I received Circular No.4 through Lt. J. Fitch - then S.A.C. at Indianola with instructions to urge Freedmen to commence a building according to said circular. Lt. Fitch promising faithfully to assist in finishing by way of repairs even if it should cost him $1000

In Aug /67 I received a letter from E.M. Wheelock Inspector of Schools saying "I have to say that the Bureau Agent at your place has been ordered to assist in the building of the school house & I hope therefore that the work will be pressed forward rapidly to completion. It seems that Lt. Fitch the former agent did not report the matter as he should to Headquarters hence this delay and trouble" Lt. Bonnaffon next S.A.C. came up and visited myself and looked at the building and promised help, but the yellow fever epidemic took him and Genl Griffin to another world and moved Hdq. to Austin. The next S.A.C. writing to me from Indianola; dated Oct 18 1867 says "I have written to the Hdqrs. R.F and A.L. for District of Texas, for the proper form on which to let the contract for the completion of the School House and have received no answer. They have all died over at Galveston" Just as I was getting better of fever he visited me and told me he expected to soon be