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B. R.F. & AL.
Office Sub Asst. Commr. 14th Sub District of Texas - - -
Columbus Texas Decr 31st/68

Revd. Jos. Welch,
Superintendent of Education,
5th Military District,
Austin Texas,

In compliance with instructions contained in Circular letter, dated Hd Qurs 5th Mill. Dist. B.R.F. & A.L. Austin, Texas, Oct 20th 1868, I have the honor to submit the following Report, relative to Education, in the 14th Sub. Dist. for the consideration of the Bvt. Major General, & Asst. Commissioner.

When assigned to duty at this Post in February last, there were but two schools reporting to the Bureau - one at Columbus, & Beaumont's, at Jone's Bend, and none but hired or temporary school houses in the Sub District. The school house at Columbus, has been so far completed as to answer all practical purposes; the Alleyton school was reopened, and new schools established at Osage Neusem's & Andersen's Plantations, making six schools which would be, in successful operation today but, for the lack of reliable teachers & with an average

Transcription Notes:
11-24-2020: I have not seen the transcribed "Neusem's" Plantation in the transcriptions of school reports from this District, so not sure if that is correct.