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Jefferson Mch 6th 1869

Revd Jos. Welch
Supt. Education 5th Mil. Dist.


I have the honor to ask for information, as to whether I am authorized to appoint teachers & fix a salary, or must their names go to Dist. Hd. Qurs. for appointment? As you sent me blank commissions I infer the former is the case.  

I made a request for blanks -generally - those most needed are- No 2's- No 11 - pay vouchers - & blank Contracts for construction & repairs -- & school & office rent- Must Par IV, General orders No 21 - series of '67 be strictly adhered to? I hope not, as it will retard starting schools owing to the poor mail facilities along this section.

Very Respectfully
Your obt Svt
Louis W Stevenson