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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas,
Office Assist. Supt. Education 2d School Dist.
Galveston, Texas, Apl. 9th, 1869.

Rev. Joseph Welch
Supt, Ed.
Austin Texas:

I have the honor to inform you that the school at Bryan - in the new house - opened on the 1st of Apl. with about 80 scholars. I have appointed Harriet Smith as principal of the school and Jane Bell Martin as Asst. I think by the end of the month it will reach 100 scholars. They do not all pay but with the allowance from the Bureau I think they will be able to make a very good support. 

I have given Jno. L. King $10.00 pr. month - This was rendered necessary by the smallness of the school. I have sent the appointment to the A.A.A Genl. for approval.

Very Resp.
Wm H Sinclair
Asst. Supt. Ed.