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Waco 10th April 1869

Mr Welsh

Revd Sir
Your kind letter has come to hand. Also this morning I received an Official document appointing me Teacher in the Government employ with A salary of $20 per month

I gratefully acknowledge your Kindness in securing the said appointment for me and I trust by that attention to the duties assigned me to merit the continuance of your Favour and confidence

Respecting the School Committee for selecting the Building lot for School-house I declared the whole proceeding Illegal from beginning to end and pointed out the way to overthrow the whole proceeding and same day they Notifyed Shadrick Willis that the Election of their Committee was Illegal therefore null & Void And next day (Sabbath) notice was given that on Tuesday 10 days from notice they would meet for the purpose of electing A committee to represent the Majority They met accordingly and elected a Committee of seven and I think not one of the former number was chosen

Altho Shadrick Willis holds the check for the amount collected & threats were used that they wd buy the place they wanted, on wednesday last A M the Banker was notified of the late election & presented with the list of Committee and payment stopped without an order from the legally appd committee since which time all is peace The Committee meets the People on Tuesday 13th Inst to report their progress And I learn they have several choices in desirable localities

I will let you know the result at an early date

Respectfully yours
James D Scarlett

To Revd Jos Welsh Sup Ed
Austin Texas