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a good instructor. He is however a stranger in this part of the country - & may not turn out what he seems. Mr. Massey is acting as his Assistant I propose giving him another school. The people are in debt for the lot, & about $200- on the house. It needs little, to make it all that is required for school purposes- I have arranged to have the property made over to Trustees - in order that the money being paid as rent may not be thrown away the lot belongs to a colored man - & the building was built by subscription, with the exception of the debt which was an advance made by a Mr. Richardson - & which is now being paid by the Government in the form of rent- A Mr. Ransen, being the party deputed by the Bureau Agt. to receive the money & pay it over. I will get the exact amount due, & forward to your office.

I think it perhaps [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] better to pay off the debt than continue to pay the $20. per mo. allowance, as is now being done in the form of rent, or at least such a portion of it as is intended to pay in that shape. This would relieve the people of a debt which hangs heavy over them, & guard against the misappropriation of funds.