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Chicago, Ill., May 21, 1889.

Miss Sarah Skinner
Box 471 - Galveston, Texas

Dear Sister :
By all means name the new school house for Miss Barnes. It would be a just and fitting tribute to her zeal for the enterprise and her unselfish devotion to the highest educational interests of the freed people of Galveston. 

My congratulation to her for the promising look of the enterprise at this stage. My brotherly regards to Madison, Kinney and Harris. Tell Miss B. to confer with Bro. Welch about the plan of the house. Send him or show him this letter as to the name &c.

Yours &c.
(Sgd.) C. H. Howard

P.S. - 
I received a good letter from Capt. Reltsun the other day. He intends that $100 to go as Miss Barnes' gift to A. M. A.