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Webberville August 17th 1869

Rev Jos Welsh

Dear sir
Yours of the 16 inst inclosed with the contract of Tom Roades hase come to hand.
Tom Roades says that he did not understand in his agreement to put a yelow pine flore in the House and to put Eight windows in the Building were there only was six. hise understanding was to put the House back in the same shape it hase ben before and with the same lumber and the same number of windows providing he would mack a stronger and better frame with [[prases?]] and furnish all the necessary lumber it would require to put it up in that manner. Tom Roades wishes for you to please and send him information by mail about it. 

Transcription Notes:
It becomes extremely difficult to read nearing the bottom of the text, as the letters move closer together and become smaller and scribbled. Edited: completed the transcription, changes and corrections