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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, 
Office Assist. Supt. Education, 2d School Dist. 
Galveston, Texas, Aug 27th, 1869.

Rev Jos Welch
Supt. of Education

D. Sir: 
The "Euterpe" arrived in the offing last night The box you referred to is on board & I ordered it to be forwarded to Austin I have mislaid your direction as to how it was to be shipped, but no doubt it will go all right.
Did you get a letter from General C.H. Howard in reference to teachers -? In a personal letter to me he mentions having written you about 3 weeks ago & recd no reply. 

I cannot but think the slow progress the house is making here, is owing to the fact of the money - first installments not being paid. Comr calls upon me every few days for it. I tell him, it is expected any mail

Transcription Notes:
don't know the ship's name, but don't think it's Star of India; originally 1863 "Euterpe": Entruste