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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas,
Office Assist. Supt. Education, 2d School Dist.
Galveston, Texas, Septr 12th, 1869.

Revd. Jos. Welch
Supt. of Education.

D. Sir:
I have the honor to report that I have visited Corpus Christi & in compliance with your letter of instructions of the 19th ultimo.  

The Freedmen have a very neat little Church, suitable for a school house. Capt Dix, and family were absent in the Country. Genl. (Davis) & a young man living in Capt. Dix's family, assured me, the Captain would take the teacher in his family - to board -; if not they would see she was well cared for. Board in a private family - costs $20 specie per month.

From all the information I could get, there will be about 30 - day & as many night scholars. This is putting